Vertex AI 与 Elasticsearch 开放推理 API 集成,为你的 RAG 应用程序带来重新排名
2024年10月9日 | by mebius
你可以使用 Google Vertex AI 和 Elasticsearch 开放推理 API 构建语义搜索和语义重新排名!
在我们与 Google Vertex AI 团队密切合作之后,我们很高兴地宣布 Elasticsearch 向量数据库现已与 Google Vertex AI 原生集成,使开发人员能够存储由 Google Vertex AI 文本嵌入 API(Google Vertex AI Text Embeddings API)中可用的任何文本嵌入模型生成的嵌入。Elasticsearch 还通过 Elastic 开放推理 API 与 Google Vertex AI 的重新排名功能原生集成。开发人员可以结合使用这两种功能,也可以单独使用,以构建强大的语义搜索和 RAG 应用程序。
Google Vertex AI 是一个用于 AI 应用程序的托管开发平台。你可以访问各种模型,包括文本嵌入和重新排名模型。在这篇博文中,我们将使用 `text-embedding-004` 为英文文本生成嵌入。为了提高搜索结果的质量,我们将使用 `semantic-ranker-512@latest` 模型。
- 使用 text-embedding-004 生成嵌入
- 使用 Elastic 的新 semantic_text 字段在 Elasticsearch 中分块和存储嵌入
- 使用 semantic-ranker-512@latest 构建语义重新排名示例
- 使用 Elastic 的检索器构建具有 BM25 和语义重新排名的两阶段检索
首先,你需要一个可以访问 Google Vertex AI 平台的 Google 帐户。然后,你需要在 Google Cloud 控制台中选择一个现有项目或创建一个新的 Google Cloud tgcode项目。将你的项目 ID 保存在某个地方,因为我们稍后会用到它。
之后你需要启用 Vertex AI API:
然后你需要在 IAM & Admin > Service Accounts 下创建一个服务帐户:
你需要确保你的服务帐户具有正确的角色和权限,以便能够使用 Google Vertex AI 生成嵌入。分配包含权限 aiplatform.endpoints.predict 的 Vertex AI 用户(roles aiplatform.user)。
为你的服务帐户创建密钥时,请确保选择 json。下载服务帐户 JSON 并保存以供日后使用。
现在,打开 Kibana 的开发控制台。你还可以使用 HTTP GUI 客户端(如 postman)或任何其他工具(如 curl)执行以下步骤。
你将使用创建推理 API(Create inference API)创建推理端点,方法是提供服务帐户 JSON、位置、要使用的模型和项目 ID:
PUT _inference/text_embedding/google_vertex_ai_embedding
"service": "googlevertexai",
"service_settings": {
"service_account_json": "",
"model_id": "",
"location": "",
"project_id": ""
你将收到来自 Elasticsearch 的响应,其中包含创建的端点:
"inference_id": "google_vertex_ai_embedding",
"task_type": "text_embedding",
"service": "googlevertexai",
"service_settings": {
"location": "",
"project_id": "",
"model_id": "",
"dimensions": 768,
"similarity": "dot_product",
"rate_limit": {
"requests_per_minute": 30000
"task_settings": {}
在底层,Elasticsearch 将使用你的凭据连接到 Google Vertex AI,以获取用于生成嵌入的维度数。它还会将检索期间使用的相似度度量设置为合理的默认值(在本例中为 dot_product)。
你可以通过调用执行推理 API(perform inference API) 来测试你的端点:
POST _inference/text_embedding/google_vertex_ai_embedding
"input": "This text will be embedded"
API 将返回一个响应,其中包含针对你的输入生成的嵌入:
"text_embedding": [
"embedding": [
将 semantic_text 与 Google Vertex AI 嵌入结合使用
现在,我们已经使用 Google Vertex AI 嵌入设置了推理端点,我们可以使用 Elasticsearch 中的新 semantic_text 字段类型来执行开箱即用的语义搜索,而无需设置额外的应用程序代码,在提取和查询期间明确调用推理 API 来生成嵌入。
请注意,如果要生成嵌入的文本太大,推理 API 和 semantic_text 的组合会执行自动分块(将较大的文本分成较小的块)!我们非常高兴看到开发人员如何使用此功能。
为了继续我们的示例,我们将创建一个索引,该索引引用我们的推理端点 google_vertex_ai_embedding,以便在索引文档和查询时搜索时生成嵌入:
PUT my-index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"my_field": {
"type": "semantic_text",
"inference_id": "google_vertex_ai_embedding"
我们现在可以索引文档,semantic_text 字段类型将负责使用我们的推理端点生成密集嵌入,该端点在后台调用 Google Vertex AI API。出于演示目的,我们只索引一个文档:
PUT my-index/_doc/doc1
"my_field": "These are not the droids you're looking for. He's free to go around"
GET my-index/_search
"query": {
"semantic": {
"field": "my_field",
"query": "robots you're searching for"
"took": 818,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 1,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 0.7608695,
"hits": [
"_index": "my-index",
"_id": "doc1",
"_score": 0.7608695,
"_source": {
"my_field": {
"text": "These are not the droids you're looking for. He's free to go around",
"inference": {
"inference_id": "googletgcode_vertex_ai_embedding",
"model_settings": {
"task_type": "text_embedding",
"dimensions": 768,
"similarity": "dot_product",
"element_type": "float"
"chunks": [
"text": "These are not the droids you're looking for. He's free to go around",
"embeddings": [
回到我们的实现,你需要启用 Discovery Engine API 才能对文档进行重新排序:
你可以重复使用我们之前创建的服务帐户,也可以创建一个新的服务帐户。将包含权限 discoveryengine.rankingConfigs.rank 的角色 Discovery Engine Viewer (roles/discoveryengine.viewer) 分配给你将使用的服务帐户。
对于以下步骤,你可以再次使用 Kibana Dev Console 或你喜欢的任何 http 客户端。
PUT _inference/rerank/google_vertex_ai_rerank
"service": "googlevertexai",
"service_settings": {
"service_account_json": "",
"project_id": ""
"inference_id": "google_vertex_ai_rerank",
"task_type": "rerank",
"service": "googlevertexai",
"service_settings": {
"project_id": "",
"rate_limit": {
"requests_per_minute": 300
"task_settings": {}
让我们将一组文档发送到我们新创建的端点,以确保重新排名有效。我们将使用 Google Vertex AI 的重新排名文档作为示例:
POST _inference/rerank/google_vertex_ai_rerank
"query": "Why is the sky blue?",
"input": [
"A canvas stretched across the day,nWhere sunlight learns to dance and play.nBlue, a hue of scattered light,nA gentle whisper, soft and bright.",
"The sky appears blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Sunlight is comprised of all the colors of the rainbow. Blue light has shorter wavelengths than other colors, and is thus scattered more easily."
"rerank": [
"index": 0,
"relevance_score": 0.82,
"text": "The sky appears blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Sunlight is comprised of all the colors of the rainbow. Blue light has shorter wavelengths than other colors, and is thus scattered more easily."
"index": 1,
"relevance_score": 0.43,
"text": """A canvas stretched across the day,
Where sunlight learns to dance and play.
Blue, a hue of scattered light,
A gentle whisper, soft and bright."""
将检索器与 Google Vertex AI 语义重新排名结合使用
在 8.14 中,我们引入了另一个令人兴奋的功能,称为检索器(retrievers),它提供了一个直观的 API,可以在单个 _search API 调用中定义多阶段检索管道。这消除了应用程序向 Elasticsearch 发出多个搜索请求并在之后相应地合并结果的负担。在我们的示例中,我们定义了一个简单的多阶段检索管道,它使用常见的 BM25 算法来检索一组与术语 “sky” 相关的文档。之后,这组文档将传递到我们的推理端点 google_vertex_ai_rerank,以进一步优化结果集的顺序,从而为我们提供天空为何是蓝色的科学解释。
我们正在使用 Bulk API 创建一小部分文档,其中包括关于 mountains、sky、ocean 的诗歌,以及天空为何是蓝色的一个科学解释:
PUT _bulk
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "1"} }
{"text": "A canvas stretched across the day,nWhere sunlight learns to dance and play.nBlue, a hue of scattered light,nA gentle whisper, soft and bright."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "2"} }
{"text": "The sky appears blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Sunlight is comprised of all the colors of the rainbow. Blue light has shorter wavelengths than other colors, and is thus scattered more easily."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "3"} }
{"text": "The sky wraps around the earth so wide, A tender touch where dreams reside. Golden streaks at dawn’s first light, The sky awakens, pure and bright."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "4"} }
{"text": "The sky dims as the day tgcodeunwinds, A lullaby of soft winds kind. Purple hues in twilight's grace, The night arrives, a tender embrace."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "5"} }
{"text": "The sky at night, a velvet sea, With stars that shine so endlessly. A canvas dark, yet full of light, Guiding travelers through the night."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "6"} }
{"text": "The ocean hums a gentle tune, Beneath the light of the silver moon. Waves that cradle dreams so deep, In their rhythm, we find sleep."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "7"} }
{"text": "The tide retreats with a whispered sigh, Leaving shells as memories pass by. A dance of water, soft and slow, In and out, a constant flow."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "8"} }
{"text": "The ocean’s arms are vast and wide, A place where endless wonders hide. Blue as far as the eye can see, A world of calm and mystery."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "9"} }
{"text": "The ocean speaks in murmurs low, Secrets only the dolphins know. A world below the surface bright, Where colors blend in liquid light."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "10"} }
{"text": "The ocean sings a song so clear, A melody that draws us near. Waves that rise and gently fall, In their call, we hear it all."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "11"} }
{"text": "The mountains stand with ancient pride, Their secrets in the rocks they hide. A silent strength, so bold and high, Reaching peaks that touch the eye."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "12"} }
{"text": "A mountain trail that winds and weaves, Through forests thick with whispering leaves. Each step a journey, each climb a test, Until you find the summit's rest."}
{"index": {"_index": "another-index", "_id": "13"} }
{"text": "The mountains echo with the sound, Of winds that dance and streams that bound. A fortress carved by time’s own hand, Where nature’s might and beauty stand."}
POST another-index/_search
"retriever": { // Retriever query
"text_similarity_reranker": { // Outermost retriever will perform reranking
"retriever": {
"standard": { // First-stage retriever is a standard Elasticsearch query
"query": {
"match": { // Standard BM25 matching
"text": "sky"
"field": "text", // Document field to send to reranker
"rank_window_size": 10, // Reranking will work on top K hits
"inference_id": "google_vertex_ai_rerank", // Inference endpoint
"inference_text": "Why is the sky blue?",
"min_score": 0.6 // Minimum relevance score
只需使用几个简单的 API 调用,即可利用 semantic_text 和 retrievers 的强大功能以及 Google Vertex AI 的密集嵌入和重新排名功能,从而抽象出语义搜索和重新排名的复杂部分。所有这些功能都已在我们的 serverless 产品中提供,请立即试用!
访问Search Labs上的 Google Vertex AI 页面,或尝试搜索实验室 GitHub 上的其他示例笔记本。
Elasticsearch 集成了 LangChain、Cohere 等工具。加入我们的 Beyond RAG Basics 网络研讨会,构建您的下一个 GenAI 应用程序!
原文:Elasticsearch vector database adds support for Google Vertex AI — Search Labs
文章来源于互联网:Vertex AI 与 Elasticsearch 开放推理 API 集成,为你的 RAG 应用程序带来重新排名